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Good News - US Inflation for Markets 2024

Hey, It's big time now we have turned down on US inflation  We are at one time at around 9 peak on US inflation and slowly, gradually it came down to 3.1 in Nov 23, so now it's the correct time where you will see probably in Mar 24  2 which target for US Fed will be achieved and it will lie down interest rate to slow gradually  We see interest rate cuts ✂️ moving towards 4.5 from 5.5 and even it will go down to 4, 3.5 and 3 by June 2024 Congressional Budget Office expects inflation will fall to 2.1% in 2024. So we are in good place for US 🇺🇸 market by May 2024. All investors who are worried should smile your face seeing to this downfall. #invest #infaltion #interest rate

Singapore issues covid advisory for travellers as new cases jump to 56,000 in a week, hospitalisations rise

  The Singapore Health Ministry has issued a new advisory to citizens and travelers in light of the rising number of COVID-19 infections in the island nation. According to the ministry, there were an estimated 56,043 cases of COVID-19 reported during the week of December 3 to December 9, 2023, a significant increase from the previous week's 32,035 cases. The ministry also noted a rise in the average daily hospitalizations #Covid 

IPL Auction 2024

Most decisive action of the current IPL is focused on few superb players. Let me list Yashwasi Jaiswal Bumrah Rinku Singh Adam Markaam Henry Classen  Mitechel Starc Sai Sudarshan Decok Rohit sharma Hardik These are impact players who can turn matches without a thought and best thing is they make people enjoy to their fullest with entertainment and confidence 

Choose BBA and BSc over engineering !

  Choosing between BBA, BSc, and Engineering can be a tough decision, as each path offers unique advantages and caters to different interests and skillsets. Here's a breakdown to help you decide: Why Choose BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration): Focus on Business Skills: BBA equips you with core business knowledge in areas like marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, and operations. This broad skillset is valuable in various industries, from consulting and finance to entrepreneurship and management. Opens in a new window BBA degree Career Flexibility: BBA graduates have a wide range of career options, including management trainee, marketing associate, financial analyst, HR specialist, and entrepreneur. You can also pursue higher studies like MBA for further specialization. Strong Job Market: The demand for business professionals is consistently high, making BBA a future-proof choice. With the growing emphasis on soft skills like communication and teamwo

Animal Movie 2023 - Honest Review of society !

  Ah, "Animal" (2023), the controversial neo-noir gangster flick directed by Sandeep Vanga. Buckle up, because this review is gonna be a wild ride, just like the movie itself. Visually Stunning, Brutally Violent: Let's start with the undeniable: "Animal" is a feast for the eyes. Amit Roy's camerawork is kinetic and stylish, capturing the grimy underbelly of Delhi and the opulent extravagance of Europe with equal flair. The action sequences are balletic chaos, a whirlwind of bullets, blood, and bone-crunching brutality. Think "John Wick" on steroids, with a dash of Bollywood masala. Opens in a new window Animal (2023) movie poster Ranbir Kapoor: A Force of Nature: Ranbir Kapoor delivers a tour-de-force performance as the titular animal, Vijay. He's both charming and terrifying, a man consumed by rage and fueled by a thirst for power. Kapoor throws himself into the role physically and emotionally, making

"Animal" 2023: एक समाज का कच्चा-चिट्ठा दर्पण (एक ईमानदार समीक्षा)

  नज़रों में बिजली, खून में खामोशी... संजय रेड्डी वंगा की फिल्म "एनिमल" 2023 सिर्फ एक गैंगस्टर थ्रिलर नहीं, बल्कि समाज का एक बेबाक और कच्चा-चिट्ठा दर्पण है। दिल्ली के अंधेरे कोनों से लेकर यूरोप के चमचमाते गलियों तक, फिल्म हमें भ्रष्टाचार, लालच और नैतिक पतन के दलदल में घुमाती है। Opens in a new window Animal (2023) movie poster in Hindi रणबीर कपूर का दहाड़: रणबीर कपूर विजय के किरदार में एक जंगली जानवर की तरह दहाड़ते हैं। वो एक ऐसा शख्स है जो क्रोध की आग में जल रहा है और सत्ता की लालसा से पागल है। कपूर ने विजय के शारीरिक और भावनात्मक दोनों रूपों को इतनी शानदार तरीके से निभाया है कि आप उनसे नफरत करने के साथ-साथ उनसे प्रभावित भी हुए बिना नहीं रह सकते। समाज का आईना: लेकिन "एनिमल" सिर्फ एक्शन और सितम नहीं है। वंगा समाज के असली चेहरे को बेनकाब करने से नहीं चूकते। अमीरों का लालच, नेताओं का भ्रष्टाचार और गरीबों का शोषण सबकुछ फिल्म में बेबाकी से दिखाया गया है। हिंसा सिर्फ एक तमाशा नहीं है, बल्कि गरीबी, बेबसी और अस्तित्व के संघर्ष

What after Engineering? Common Question for Fresher in India

  Ah, the age-old question that haunts every engineering graduate in India: What after engineering? It's a crossroads brimming with possibilities, but also a tad overwhelming. Fear not, young padawan, for I'm here to guide you through the labyrinth of options! First things first, take a deep breath and assess your situation. What are your strengths and interests? Do you crave the stability of a traditional job, or the thrill of entrepreneurship? Are you a tech wizard drawn to the ever-evolving digital landscape, or a creative soul yearning to express yourself through design or writing? Here's a breakdown of some common paths post-engineering in India, along with their pros and cons: 1. Higher Studies: Master's degree: Enhance your technical expertise or venture into specialized fields like AI, data science, or management. Opens in a new window Master's degree in Engineering MBA: Hone your business acumen and leadership skills, open

What is right (Shreyas) / one's heart (Preyas)

 The choice between following one's heart (Preyas) or doing what is right (Shreyas) is a pivotal decision that shapes one's life journey. Preyas or emotional choices feel immensely appealing and loving in the moment but often lack foresight into their long term consequences, sacrificing quality and pragmatism for immediate gratification. Shreyas or prudent decisions, on the other hand, consider the bigger picture by evaluating relevant parameters like socioeconomic status, financial freedom, time constraints, relationships and reason before choosing a path. Though they may not thrill the heart as much as Preyas, Shreyas decisions stand the test of time by ensuring longevity, stability and the ability to withstand life's challenges. Making Shreyas choices requires courage as it means abandoning desire-fulfilling Preyas options for the sake of securing a meaningful and purposeful future, even if it means compromising on joy and pleasure in the present. Ultimately

Best place to visit in India for year end 2023

  For a Snowy New Year: Manali and Shimla, Himachal Pradesh: Nestled in the Himalayas, these hill stations transform into winter wonderlands, with snow-capped peaks, charming cafes, and adventure activities like skiing and paragliding. Imagine cozying up by a fireplace in a traditional stone cottage, enjoying panoramic mountain views, and witnessing the magic of snowfall on New Year's Eve. Opens in a new window chevron_right Manali, Himachal Pradesh in winter For a Beachside Celebration: Goa: This coastal paradise offers sun-kissed beaches, vibrant nightlife, and a laid-back atmosphere. Picture yourself dancing under the stars at a beach party, indulging in fresh seafood, and soaking up the sun on pristine beaches as you ring in the new year. Opens in a new window Goa, India in winter Kerala: Known as "God's own country," Kerala boasts stunning backwaters, lush greenery, and pristine beaches. Enjoy a tranquil houseboat cruise,